BRIM works to bring together academics, engineers and policymakers. Here you will find some information about the size of our network, dissemination activity and outreach campaign.
We have organised multiple workshops, facilitated a wide range of presentations from network members and sponsored an array of projects.
Our twitter feed at the end of the page will keep you updated in our latest communications.
You can always contact us if you require further information.
Our summary of funded projects is below.
We have commissioned pilot studies, embedded research, early career research projects, mini projects and meetings, amongst others.
Our pilot studies are up to £25K and can be awarded for studies that will run for up to six months. These projects should aim to conduct original research on a specific topic, which could potentially lead to a full grant proposal at the end of the study.
The embedded research projects are up to £5K and can be awarded for research of up to three months. This will be for secondment of one researcher to another organisation, including, if relevant, policy organisations or international collaborators.
The early career research projects are up to £5K for three months and targeted at ideas led by early career researchers.
The mini-project and meeting funds are up to £2K and for up to one month which can be used for short collaborative visits or for small meetings.
The outcomes of some of these projects are summarised in our web If you have any brilliant ideas that you think should be funded, contact us for further information.
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