We discuss key research priorities to build resilience into complex engineered systems such as cities. BRIM funds pilot projects based on the outcomes of these networking sessions and promotes the outcomes to a wide audience to maximimise the impact of the findings.
BRIM develops and tests key research ideas to protect communities and bring social and economic resilience to urban environments. This web page is dedicated to building flood resilience to urban environments.
Flooding causes economic and social devastation and is a management priority in governmental agendas across the world. Multiple strategies have been identified to build flood resilience to urban environments,
mainly focusing on the adoption of resilience and resistance properties by homeowners. The uptake of these measures is poor across the world and little is yet know as to why this is the case.
BRIM explores potential mechanisms to change this behaviour, increase the uptake of such measures and promote alternative ways to building flood resilience to urban environments.
If you are an academic, engenieer or policy maker, you will be able to apply for funding for project ideas by joining our network. If you are interested in the outcomes of our research, you will be able to find the our findings in this web page.