Bringing together academics, engineers and policymakers

A shared vision of how to build resilience into networked risk management.

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About our network

Working towards achieving resilience in urban environments

To develop a shared, multi-disciplinary vision of how to build flood resilience into networked risk management for highly complex engineered systems. BRIM will look at increase current knowledge base on the tipping points of engineered systems within the context of flooding. We will provide resources and a number of mechanisms to understand the interdependencies of complex systems and enhance overall flood system resilience.

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building resilience into risk management

How it works

BRIM - How it works

BRIM organises networking events for academics, engineers and policymakers to discuss key research priorities to build resilience into complex engineered systems such as cities.

BRIM funds pilot projects based on the outcomes of these networking sessions and promotes the outcomes to a wide audience to maximise the impact of the findings.

We have multiple funding mechanisms and are always open to new project ideas.

This web page is dedicated to the work BRIM has commissioned within the context of flood resilience in urban environments.


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